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The DICEUHV is a top loading dilution refrigerator with a ultra high vacuum central tube, suitable for SPM experiments. The unique design incorporate a 'D' shaped 1K pot, still and mixing chamber base for increase sample access. The large clear areas available for experimental access are ideally suited for installing an extensive range of electrical wiring options, fibre optics and other cryogenic devices.

The cryostat is designed to hold a sufficient volume of cryogens to allow for a convenient period of experimental operation between refills. It can be constructed from non-magnetic materials with all vacuum seals tested for leak tightness on a mass spectrometer to better than 1 x 10-8mbarL/sec.

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Temperature Range

30mK to 3K

Cooling Power

100µW at 100mK, 200µW at 140mK

Temperature Stability

± 0.8K at 60mK or below, ± 0.3mK at 100mK or below, 0.7mK at 200mK or below

Sample Environment

Ultra high vacuum

Sample Space

Customisable up to 250mm


Air or water cooled options available


DC, RF and fiber optic options available

Optical Access

Up to five windows available including Sapphire, Quartz and Spectrosil (see window materials)

Base Temperature


Hold Time

48 hours

Temperature Controller

Lakeshore 336 as standard (Other controllers available on request)

Magnetic Field

Solenoid, Split pair and Vector magnets available


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